Monday, July 25, 2011

Mae Sa Water Fall

 On Saturday of our long holiday weekend I decided to rent a motor bike and go to Mae Sa water falls. It has 10 levels of water falls and a lot of hiking (well depending on where you park and how many water falls you want to see). I parked at the bottom and hiked all the way to the top. It was a nice trip and a lot of water falls. The night before I visited there was a big rain storm so the river was very full. I tried to keep track of each number of the water falls but it didn't work out too well. I marked the ones I remembered.

1st water fall.

5th Falls

 Lots of stairs.....

 The view point was a bit of a let down. You couldn't really see very much because of the over grown trees and part of the wooden platform was falling apart.

Thai people swimming in the base of the 5th water fall. 



The 10th water fall.

 The super cool scooter I rented and drove to the water falls. Yes don't worry I wore my helmet!

The most yummy western food I've had in Chiang Mai, french toast, for dinner. 

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